Procedure for personal certification in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17024
This is how the certification process works – Overview of certification steps
Submission of the application documents:
Please submit your certificates/documents digitally only. Submit your application in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17024 here.
Payment of the preliminary examination fee:
After you have submitted the application online and confirmed your email, we will send you an email with all the important information.
Preliminary review of the documents:
Your documents will be checked by us in advance. After the preliminary check, we will send you an email with all the important information.
Certification exam:
Participation in the examination, unless you are publicly appointed and sworn or already certified.
Forwarding of the application:
To the EWIVS Certification Committee.
Certificate issue:
After a positive examination and payment of the certification fee, you will receive your certificate and seal as a certified expert according to EN ISO/IEC 17024 in your specialist area.
Submission of the approval report
Attending further training courses
Proof of permanent qualification
Submission of further expert opinions
Renewal of the certificate, expert card and stamp
Costs of certification
1. Preliminary examination:
250,- EURO plus VAT.
2. Initial certification:
1250,- EURO plus VAT (minus preliminary inspection 250.00€)
3. Re-certification:
490,- EURO plus VAT.
Discount for expert members of the DGSV Deutscher Gutachter und Sachverständigen Verband e.V. (current membership certificate / invoice Membership fee is currently 25% on all services (except preliminary inspection fee, the discount does not apply to the preliminary inspection) of EWIVS Certification GmbH.
Discount for active members of other expert associations (current membership certificate / invoice Membership fee is currently 10% exclusively on the certification fee (excluding preliminary examination fee, the discount does not apply to the preliminary examination) of EWIVS Certification GmbH.